Indoor Air Quality Monitor
Untuk monitoring gas CO2, CO, Suhu dan kelembaban
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Specification :
- Gas Range Accuracy
- CO2 : 0 to 5000 ppm ±3% of reading
- Temperature : -20 to 80 ºC -20 to +80 ºC
- Hygrometer : 5 to 95% RH
- Connections : 2 mini-DIN connections SMART-2014 probes
- : and 1 micro-USB port for charging and PC connection
- Power supply : Lithium-Ion battery
- Memory capacity : Up to 1000 dataset of 20 000 points
- Operating temperature : 0 to +50 °C
- Auto shut-off : 15 to 120 minutes
- Operating environment : Neutral gas
- Conformity : EMC 2004/108/CE and EN 61010-1 directives
- Languages : French, English,
- Display : LCD 120 x 160 px, Dimensions : 58 x 76 mm, Backlight
- Key pad : 10 keys
- Size : 204 x 104 x 63 mm
Included :
- Instrument
- Sensor probe CO2
- manual book versi Inggris
- Certificate calibration
- Carying case
- Batterai litium