Sanitation Inspection Test Kit
Alat untuk mengukur kualitas sanitasi lingkungan & makanan.
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Spesifikasi :
- Borak : 350 tests with stadar test (0 - 10.000 mg/l
- Formalin : 100 tests with stadar test (0 - 10 mg/l )
- Rhodamin B : 350 tests with stadar test (0 - 40 mg/l
- Methyl Yellow : 350 tests with stadar test (0 - 50 mg/l
- Siklamat : 350 tests with stadar test
- Pork Test Kit : 20 test
- Food pH meter : Range : 0 to 14 pH
: Accuracy : ± 0,03pH
: Memory : Lithium 3V/1Ah
- Kadar Air/Moisture : Moisture Range: 65-85%
: Aplikasi : Daging Segar : Sapi, Kambing, Ayam dll.
: time for pick out sample:< 2s>
: Precision: ?1.0%
- Temperature Makanan : -100 to 400 ºC (for food application)
: ±0,4% ±0,3ºC (accuracy)
: 0,1 ºC (resolutions)
- Intensitas Cahaya : 0 to 100.000.Lux
- Aliran Udara : 0.15 to 30 m/s and 0 to +50°C
- WBGT/Iklim Kerja : Measure air termperature 0.0~50.0(32~122F), accuracy:+/-0.6C
: Measure ambient relative humidity: 0.0~99.9%, accuracy:+/-3% (AT 25C,10~70%RH) , others +/-5%
: Measure Globe temperature: 0~80C(32~176F), full metal globe diameter: 50mm
: Calculate dew point , wet bulb , WBGT in seconds
: Indoor/Outdoor WBGT temperature in different formula
: WBGT indoor range: 15~59C( Accuracy:+/-1C), others +/-1.5C.
: WBGT outdoor range:15~56C(Accuracy:+/-1.5C), others +/-2C
: Measure barometric pressure range: 300-1100hpa ( unit : inHg , mmHg is switchable), accuracy: +/-1.5hpa
: Calculate Altitude with accuracy: +/-7.2M ( Under pressure 750~1100hpa) , others range pressure: +/-14.7M
: Functions: Maximum , Minimum , HOLD , auto power off , batter low indicator , 4-tier simultaneously display
: Temperature, Humidity offset function . WBGT audible alarm threshold setting function.
: Power: AAA batteries/ 9V AC adaptor (Included)
: Meter dimension: 162x58x32mm. Globe ball: 50mm. . LCD size: 48x33mm
- Air Quality Monitor : GAS RANGE
O2 Oxygen 0-30% vol
LEL As Calibrated 0-100%LEL
CO Carbon Monoxide 0-1000 ppm
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide 0-100 ppm
SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0-100ppm
NO2 Nitrogen Dioxida 0-20 ppm
- Carying case terbuat dari fiber glass
- 5 pcs sarung tangan yang steril
- 5 pcs maskes
- Petunjuk penggunaan alat dalam bentuk bahasa indonesia
- Software Aplikasi Pelaporan Hasil Uji, Mampu di instal di komputer sebagai data base
- Kartu garansi selama 1 tahun